Monday, February 8, 2010

Senga Bay Finale

Over the next two days, I BBQed the delicious fish that I caught. Some girls from Sweden joined me, and I spent a lot of time reading and learning an African counting game called Boa.

Once I understood the basics of Boa, I got pretty into it and played for many hours against the locals on the beach. They are vastly superior to me. But by the end of two days I could consistently beat some of the children in the women's game. I'm finding it to be a good way to relax and engage with people, so I bought a board.

I finished In Spite of the Gods on the beach. Great analytical cross-section of Indian culture. Its been weird to come to Africa and reading about India.

My relationship with Lucky slowly deteriorated as he began to view me as a walking wallet. A few of my romantic notions of harmony and Kenn+Africa love had to die, and this saddened me. I gained a lot of insights into life in Malawi, but the realities of engaging with people who have so little material wealth are ever present. When the Swiss girls left, I found myself quite lonely and started doubting the wisdom of coming to Africa. I found Shannon online and we decided that my problems could be solved by relocating to the backpacker's paradise of Cape MaClear and joining a group of travelers. This would turn out to be correct

I left the next morning for the Cape.

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