Thursday, April 8, 2010

Entebbe, Uganda - Heading Home

Wow! I'm in Entebbe living out my last moments in Africa. My flight home to Vancouver departs in just a few hours. Lots of great times in South-Western Uganda this last week with Shann - it's been great.

I had one professional development ambition for the sabbatical - to learn F#. Epic fail. Instead, I spent the time debating over extending my sabbatical indefinitely via a letter of resignation. Usually I thought about beginning a year long trans-continental sea kayaking expedition in the Mediterranean. But it turns out that three months was just long enough and I'm really very stoked about my return to Vancouver and put my nose back to the grindstone as employee 373952 next Monday. Truth is that I miss familiar friends and faces both in Vancouver and Seattle/Bellevue.

I'm wondering what happened to all my little projects and programs while I've been in Africa? What clever co-worker has mutated my tool to fill a purpose I never intended? I wrote three new programs the week before my sabbatical - I wonder if any of them were ever used. I see that Bing's maps are now integrated with photosynth. The future is now, man.

I also can't wait to see a doctor. I have so many things wrong with me: schistosomiasis, folliculitis, hemorrhoids, weird skin rashes, tooth aches, a soar throat, etc.


  1. I will miss reading your African adventures Kenn, it really has been quite the journey for you. Return home safely.

  2. Hey Jess!!! and Mark!!!

    It's be so fabulous having you as my traveling companions through the African expedition. Thanks for your comments and laughter and support. Please note - that if you kept a blog, I would follow with great enthusiasm.

    Mark - you totally should have come. My next adventure will be a summit of Aconcagua in December. I'm inviting you for this now so you won't miss the next one. But I don't know how you'll train. You can join us for two summits of Rainier at dates TBD - but this will likely come at a very high cost for you. Maybe you can walk up 6,900 steps once per week breathing through a pillow to simulate low oxygen? Think about it...

  3. Crazy Blog Kenn, glad you are living man.
