Saturday, April 3, 2010

Kigali, Rawanda

Traffic is so orderly: cars stop at crosswalks and motos yield to pedestrians. The streets are impeccably clean: we saw a woman cleaning dirt and throwing it out; and women sweeping the streets - but get this... the brooms have handles! What is this place? Where am I? Despite the orderly nature of the streets, I've been in several near traffic accidents. Eventually I realized that they were driving on the right side of the road. It feels so strange. I felt strangely comforted when a moto refused to yield.

Everything is so chic. It's Easter weekend - so we're seeing the best people have - but there are true signs of opulence here. Everybody seems to have a stylish cardigan to throw over their immaculately clean tailored shirts. Children wear three piece suits. Billboard advertisements for online banking? Really? In stark contrast, I'm unshaven and my white shirts are regularly soiled on the minute-long walk from the clothesline to the tent.

I'm moving at the pace of a man who's been on vacation for three months and I suspect it's maybe a bit slow for Shann. We spend most of our time sitting and eating, or preparing to sit and eat in a new place. Kigali has no shortage of venues for fine dining - even gas stations have nice restaurants with French, Italian, or Indian on the menu. We sat, played cards, and drank beer at the Hotel des Mille Collines and shared a somber moment on the rooftop overlooking the lights of Kigali. Two long dinners at Indian restaurants have been tasty and fabulously relaxing - but we can't quite seem to shake the stress of paying the "absurd prices" - costs comparable to home.

It's always neat when your expectations for a place are so thoroughly in contrast with reality. Its nice here, but I feel strangely unsettled by the luxuries. I'm self conscious of being so incredibly and illogically frugal - though I feel that Ralf was maybe right when he phrases it living efficiently. If the small luxuries of Rwanda irk me so, what will it be like to return to the wealth and luxury of Canada in just one week? It feels like it's all drawing to a close too soon.

[Edit: 8/4/10] In retrospect: although I seem to want to consider myself some sort of luxury averse wilderness explorer, in sober truth I'm craving comfortable beds, marathons of Seinfeld episodes, dinner parties, and lots and lots of time with friends outdoors. I'm really in the mood to re-watch familiar movies.


  1. Catching up on the latest news from you guys. We had a great Easter celebration in Toronto at Violo's - notably absent were you (in Rwanda with Shann) and Drew (at the horse show in the colosseum at the Brandon Fair with Jenn) and Beth (moved to Calgary) and Sam (working in Toronto). Other than that , a full house plus Jim's and Dylan's girlfriends - Peggy and Cresida - so the group does not get smaller but changes years to year. Next year let's all be together!
    How was rasta easter - live how you got to live -yayah....sorry we missed your call - have acquired the coordinates to send your essential documents and other work related paraphenalia to Tim's (aka Shannon's)address. Sorry we cannnot deliver it in person - I will send some stuff express and other larger heavier bulkier copious items but steamer ...shuld be there by winter - perhaps buying new clothes will be required to start first day of work - love outpouring from here to there - enjoy the rest of the journey

  2. oh yes! heads up that you have Nancy for christmas this year - you could get that shopping done early. Shannon can help with this (I am sure)
