Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Goodbye Jo!

Nigeria Won. I'll miss you, Jo.

I really liked traveling with Jo. He had a real zeal for life and travel which seemed to be fueled by an unwaivering optimistic faith - that people were honest, and that lions would always turn the other cheek. A hitch hiker in four continents, he had a really great attitude and passion.

It's too bad that I felt so strongly in need of a rest day, and that he was not able to join me on his tight schedule back to Capetown. I wish him an eventful and safe passage to another semester in South Africa.


  1. Good eatin! Sounds like fun!

    No elephants on the way to Thompson FYI.

  2. Sounds like an amazing journey so far. To be honest i didnt believe that you are actually in Africa, but I was convinced upon seeing you navigating a boat through those reeds. Keep us posted man, and i wish you luck in your pursuit of leisure!

  3. Who is this "The Four Writters" ? My only guess is Big Jay due to the radiculousness of your "The sexy life of Ryan, with sex" story and the many pictures of dragons in your profile page ...

  4. Appologies, its Ryan McNaughton! and those pictures of dragons are from another contibutor to the blog, not that they arn't awesome. Where you at now? you staying in Africa the whole Sab?

  5. Kenn, my man!
    travelling with you was great, dude! I enjoyed it very much. Take care and enjkoy Afirca while hitchhiking ;-)
    Cheers, Joe
